Frequent Questions

If you cannot find your query, contact us at

Question What payment options do you offer?
AnswerThe means of payment are Cash, Bank Transfer or Deposit, and Credit Cards (Visa, MasterCard) processed by industry leader Stripe. Your Credit Card details never hit our servers for maximum security.

Currency: USD, CNY, Bitcoin, etc.

Question How can I buy the product I want?
AnswerYou can do it online, on this website, choosing the model and size. You add it to the shopping cart, enter your billing information, and buy. Once the order is received, we will be contacting you by email, to confirm the stock or determine the production time.

Please, to choose the correct size, you must measure your foot in centimeters and compare it with the size of the boot according to the measurements in this table in Patagonia boots size charts… please follow the correct measurement instructions.

Question Do you make custom footwear?
AnswerYes, we make custom footwear. Depending on the product, the size, and the measurements you need. You can request a quote by sending an email to info@patagoniaboots.Com and in 72 business hours, we will be answering your query.

Prices vary, please inquire in advance.

Question Can my purchase be personalized?
AnswerYes, when buying more than 10 pairs your boots can be personalized with your company logo for free. If you want to customize less quantity, the cost is $ 35 per pair.

You must send your logo in high definition in jpg or pdf format to the email:

Your logo or brand can be printed on the sides of the leather of your boots with high relief under pressure or with laser printing.

Question What type of invoice do you issue?
AnswerWe issue electronic invoices that are sent via email.
Question What are the delivery times?
AnswerFor products that we do not have stock, made-to-measure or personalized products, the processing time is 20 to 40 days, plus the shipping time depending on the destination.

In the case of products that we have in stock, the time is usually 5 to 15 business days from the day the purchase was made.

Question Does shipping have a cost?
AnswerYes. The system will calculate the shipping cost depending on the delivery address and the quantity of products. You will see the prices on the Checkout page before the payment.
Question Can I pick-up the order by myself?
AnswerYes, but this method is available only in Panama City, after your factory purchase arrives.
Question To which countries do you ship?
AnswerWe ship Worldwide via Express Couriers like DHL, FedEx, and EMS.
Question Do you offer guarantee?
AnswerYes, the guarantee period for our products is 12 months. It will be valid as long as it has a manufacturing defect. To enforce the guarantee you must make the claim via email to info@patagoniaboots.Com. Presenting the order number, photos of the product in question, and the name of the buyer. The guarantee does not cover deterioration or damage caused by the misuse of the merchandise. The claim will be evaluated by our quality control department and a response will be sent to resolve the issue within 72 business hours.
Question Does the repair have additional costs?
AnswerNo, if we consider that your claim is covered by the guarantee.

In the event that the product is not under warranty, its cost will be appropriately quoted. Contact us at info@patagoniaboots.Com and we will advise you on what you need.

Question How can I track my package?
AnswerOnce the shipment is made, we will provide you with the tracking number of the package of the airline that is transporting it so that you can trace it.

You will also be able to track your packages from inside “My Account” page, in our website.